was going through my emails and i saw this! (: FYI!
Have you ever been out for dinner and been confused by the number of knives and forks?
Don’t know what to do with that napkin? Here are some tips for Fine Dining:
When using The very simple rule is to always work from the outside in;
the cutlery farthest away from your plate is for the first course. You should always hold both your knife and fork – you should not cut your food up at the start and then use your fork only.
When eating soup the soup bowl must stay on the table. To eat your soup, push your spoonaway from you starting at the centre of the bowl to the farthest edge. Bring the spoon to your mouth and drink the soup from the edge – do not put the whole spoon in to your mouth.
A napkin is used for dabbing the mouth. Never wipe your mouth with a napkin, Your napkin should be unfolded and placed on your knees. If you must leave the table before you have finished, you should place your napkin on your seat. When you have finished eating, the napkin should be placed tidily (but not refolded) to the left side of your plate (but not on your plate).If you are having bread with your meal there will usually be a small side plate on the left hand side. You should not put the bread on your plate directly. Bread should never be cut. When you wish to eat it, tear a bite sized piece off with your fingers.
you'll become a glam guru!! ;D
first day of CNY! (:
i've been chionging endless assignments since last week. just had a presentation this noon. i'm super tired now. shall take a power nap!! recess week next week!!! :D woohooo 2 more assignments YAYYY!! holiday holiday, my holyday. T.T
cos the spaces between my fingers
are right where yours fit perfectly_