Friday, April 8, 2011

The Most Impt Decision_

I know I shouldn't be blogging but this is really waaaaaayyyyyyy too touching. They've been tgt for 10 going on 11 years and they're finally getting married! They just look perfect tgt. So sweet! And this new song, 最重要的决定 by 范范 just fits in perfectly. 

I think they're one couple who will receive blessings from almost everyone. awwwwwwwwww.. 

now, I can't wait to sing this song one day. (: 

i hope April will end soon. NIE mates, let's work hard tgt!

我願意 每天在你身邊甦醒
就連吵架也很過癮 不會冷冰
因為真愛沒有輸贏 只有親密

我願意 打破對未知的恐懼
就算流淚也能放晴 將心比心
因為幸福沒有捷徑 只有經營