Monday, August 18, 2008


i don't know why but i just have the sudden urge to cry. can i?

i don't like school cos i have to fake a smile, a laugh everyday. it's pretty tiring. i'm so glad when school ends everyday. i prefer anywhere other than school. the feeling is just so strong. it's not only the stress in the academic area. school is much more than mere studying. i have to say that i'm not the one suffering the most. but i'm just not happy. too many. too much..

i find it extra difficult to put a smile on other pple's faces nowadays. like ya, i want you you you you you to be happy, that's why i do that. so can you you you you you show some appreciation? maybe i'm just being kaypoh. i'm not obliged to do so. maybe i shouldn't anymore. i feel so constipated. it's getting far too uncomfortable. i want to cry it out, loud.

the past, the present, the future. what's the big deal? all the sufferings in the past, now and in the future. we're just gonna die anyway, anyhow.

and i finally got the meaning of life sucks. yea my life really sucks now. i feel so relieved that at least my family is alright. phew.

zuo4 ren2 hao3 nan2. zuo4 hao3 ren2 geng4 nan2.

i've lost my ability to communicate with pple. it's so challenging for me to start or continue a conversation. i don't want a conversation, i just wanna cry in front of you.

do i sound like a crybaby? boooo. it's been months since i last cried. you know, crying can be quite fun. O.O

am i very irritating? pls tell me if i am so i'll shut my mouth and walk away.

emoshit. what? cannot emo is it? i'm emokia what. nanny nanny poo poo.

i wanna have someone who'll carry the tray for me.

it feels extra cold tonight. it's not the weather, it's the pple.

human are creatures we can never, ever understand. this applies to both male and female. no discrimination.

my corner's waiting for me..

i'm screaming at the top of my lungs and no one even hears. because, nobody cares.

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